Post by _xX_R0L4ND_DR0N3_Xx_ on Dec 5, 2014 6:41:50 GMT -5
Rules and Guidelines specific to the [General Posting | Shenanigans]
- No flaming or aggresive posts against other members.
"Flaming" is the act of insulting someone. If someone "flames" you, report it to a moderator. - No spam is allowed. "Spamming" is the act of posting anything without a real meaning. This includes threads and individual posts. You will be put to justice if you constantly spam.
- No double posting.
Please do not double post in threads. We have an edit button for a reason, if you accidently double posted, please delete it before we do. - No Trolling.
"Trolling" is the act of posting messages, possibly about a controversial or contrary subject, designed to incite an argumentative response. - Do not start a new thread for a specific member, use PM's (Private Messages) to contact the user. take in on the Chatroom and Private chat a user you desired to talk.
- No more threads about someone's post count.
- Sarcasm is dealt out in large amounts. Don't take everything seriously. You'll live longer.
- No necroposting. "Necroposting" is the act of posting in a thread that is over two weeks old and not on the first page of threads without a good reason to do so (By moderator judment, that is) or moderator permission to do so.
- Note: Do not post in necro'd threads after the necropost has been pointed out (Unless it was a legitamate necropost). Doing so may result in punishment such as negative rep or infractions for repeated violation.
- No Trolling.
"Trolling" is the act of posting messages, possibly about a controversial or contrary subject, designed to incite an argumentative response.
To help speed up the process of moderating the [General Posting | Shenanigans] please use the Gear button on the Top right of the post and selecting "Report Post" from the Drop-Down list. On any posts that break the Rules. Members consistently and accurately reporting rule-breaking posts will be looked upon favorably.
Thank you for your consideration,
AllTopics Staff/Administration